From emerging
to excellence

Our range of investment capabilities is pioneering and differentiated.
We don’t do everything, rather we focus on the areas where we can add
value for our clients. Our strategic capabilities are listed securities,
alternatives and multi asset.

Our investment philosophy

Fineis Capital is an investment-led service company, offering wealth and asset management related advisory services
to Individuals, High Net Worth Individuals, Corporate and Institutional Clients globally. Our Ambition is to develop unrivalled
investment expertise as well as innovative solutions in Africa by delivering superior risk-adjusted returns to our investors.

3 pillars

Risk Management
Alpha Generation
Alpha Generation
Impact Investing

4 steps

ScopingRisk ProfilingPolicyGuidelinesPerformanceMonitoring

Step 1. Client information

  • Investable Capital
  • Time Horizon
  • Return Objectives
  • Redemption Cycle

Step 2. Investment Strategy

  • Customized Portfolio Strategy
  • Risk Appetite
  • Agreed Guidelines
  • ESG & Impact Investing

Step 3. Policy Guidelines

  • Asset Allocation
  • Diversification Policy
  • Rebalancing
  • Benchmark
  • Constraints

Step 4. Portfolio Monitoring

  • Portfolio Monitoring
  • Risk Management
  • Performance Attribution
  • Statements & Reporting